| Description : |
This Kshar Sutra (A Medicated Threads) are prepared on surgical linen size 20 by repeatedly smearing it with the latex of euphorbia neriifolia and a combination of certain vegetable caustics grown on a large scale in India .
These substances are:
- Fresh latex collected from the plant euphorbia neriifolia (euphorbiaceae family) by stabbing the stem at various places .
- A specially prepared alkaline powder derived from the plant achyranthes aspera (amaranthaceac family).This powder is obtained by the evapouration of the filtered soloution of burnt ashes of this plant in water. This method is indigenous to the Indian system of medicine and is termed "Ksharapatan". The powder thus obtained, is also caustic and is locally used as a debriding agent in chronic non healing ulcers. It has a pH range of 8 to 9.2.
- A fine powder of the dried rhizomes of curcuma longa, (ascitaminacea family). These rhizomes are commonly used as ingredient of spice and are commonly termed as tumeric.