Patanjali Divya Dhara 10-ml 5-Pack
Divya dhara is gainful for cerebral pain, tooth hurt, ear sicknesses, nose dying, wounds, cnidosis, hack, heartburn
and dyspepsia. Take three to four drops and massage gently during a headache. Additionally, take one to two drops
and inhale to experience immediate headache relief. Apply a few drops to the painful tooth with cotton when you
have a toothache. Take three to four drops of the medication in hot water, "batasha," or candy to treat stomach
pain, gastric discomfort, gastric swelling, and asthma. If you suffer from asthma or another respiratory condition,
inhale the oil and apply it to your chest for instant relief. On the off chance that you have not had the option to
take breath due to inhale related sicknesses, take fumes of 4-5 drops of oil, blended in with 1/2 KG or 1 KG of
warm water. Take 5 to 10 drops of oil in a "saufadi" every 15 minutes for cholera. When get the advantage,
increment the span from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, one hour, etc. It immediately alleviates cholera symptoms. It
provides immediate relief for colds, coughs, and allergies.
Patanjali Divya Dhara useful for cerebral pain, tooth hurt, ear sicknesses, nose dying, wounds, cnidosis, hack,
heartburn and dyspepsia.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Ajwain sat (Trachyspermum ammi)
Kapoor bhimseni sat (Cinnamomum camphora)
After consulting your doctor, you should use Patanjali Divya Dhara.
Typically, this can be used in the following ways:
Apply three to four drops, massage gently;
Take one to two drops and smell for immediate relief.